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Planning Board Minutes 03/14/05
Planning Board
Minutes of March 14, 2005

Present: William Meegan-chair, Mitch Posin, Rusty Walton, Richard Osnoss, Deborah Cini
Present from the Public:  Janet Weidner, Doug Hoehn, Chuck Gilstead

William Meegan opened the meeting at 4:40p.m.

Tim Carroll addressed the Planning Board stating that we would have to postpone the official appointment of Janet Weidner as the interim member until Tuesday evening. Two members of the Board of Selectmen were unable to attend. Tim Carroll requested of the Board that four members attend the Selectmen's meeting on Tuesday. Richard Osnoss, Mitch Posin, Russell Walton and William Meegan all agreed to attending pending checking their respective schedules.

Chuck Gilstead presented a Form A application to the Board in regards to AP 17-21.1
George Rivera.  This proposed dividing one lot into two lots one having 12.6 acres and the other having 3.1 acres. It was determined that both lots have adequate frontage and allowing this does not increasing density. It was questioned if Quenames Road was an adequate roadway. It was mentioned that Quenames Road has been in existence since the 1700's. Also the Planning Board was concerned about lot 2. Lot 2 already has a wooden structure on it and the owner plans on building a larger main house and turning the smaller house into a guesthouse. Concern was raised since there is a five-year waiting period for guesthouses and this could potentially be allowing the guesthouse first on the lot.  It was agreed to postpone this decision pending further investigation on the road and the proposed subdivision.  Postponed until March 28, 2005.

Doug Hoehn presented a Form A application to the Board in regards to AP 33-45, 79 and AP 35-7.   This action would subdivide two parcels into three parcels. It was determined that all three parcels have adequate frontage. It was determined that the access to two of the lots would be via the existing driveway off Red Valley Road. The owners of the property offered a voluntary covenant against guesthouses on all three lots. However, the wording of the covenant came into question. It potentially read that a guesthouse would not be allowed on lot 2 but lot 1 and 3 could. Doug Hoehn offered to bring it back to council for clarification. It was agreed to postpone this decision until March 28, 2005 when Doug Hoehn would appear before the board with clarification of the covenant.

It was requested of Debbie Cini to provide Janet Weinder the Approval Not Required Handbook, Subdivision Rules and Regulations and the Zoning Bylaws.

Mitch Posin request GIS or Pictometry pictures for future meetings.

The minutes of January 10, 2005 were approved as is. The minutes of December 13, 2004 and February 14, 2005 were postponed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:00p.m.

Deborah Cini respectfully submits these minutes.